Thursday, March 21, 2019
The invention of Islamophobia By Pascal Bruckner 13.12.2010. Partial Translation of the Original Text found here →
14:46h [915]
Criticism of religion is not racism. The term intends to intimidate. Above all, he wants to silence all those Muslims who question the Koran and demand equality between the sexes. In the late 1970s, Iranian fundamentalists invented the term Islamophobia, which they took away from "xenophobia." His goal is to make Islam something untouchable. Anyone who exceeds this newly set limit is considered a racist. This term worthy of totalitarian propaganda purposely leaves open whether it targets a religion, a belief system, or the faithful of all the Lord's lands that belong to it. A denomination can't be equated either with race nor a secular ideology. To Islam, as well as to Christianity, people from Arabia, Africa, Asia or Europe profess, just as people of all countries were or are Marxists, liberals, anarchists. Until proven otherwise, everyone in a democracy has the right to regard religions as a backward conglomerate of lies and dislike them. One might consider it to be legitimate or absurd that some mistrust Islam - as they once did towards Catholicism - and reject its aggressive proselytism and claim of being the only truth - but it is not an expression of racism. ... Link |
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