Sunday, May 28, 2017
Guess where this happens ...!

" .. 11 Years Old, a Mom, and Pushed to Marry Her Rapist .. "

Must be an underdeveloped, poor and Third-World-Country.


It's happening in the "Land of the Free", the United States of America .... and it's happening right now, like it did the past one hundred-or-so years before.

Would you imagine that in this country - which is eager to spread its "values" (sometimes forcibly) all over the world - 25 out of their 50 States have no limit on how old a girl MUST be to get married?

What a coincidence: This happens mostly in the States that are the ones where fundamentalist, "devout christians" dwell.


[source / read more: forced child marriage ]

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017
.... a 'comment'

.... that tells you a lot about the author ...!

[source: groopspeak | comments]

I'm not on "facebook" which keeps me from answering to such bulls/*** directly. So sad!

OK, what have we got here?
A display of "AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM" by a person that probably doesn't know a lot about Europe & NATO.

Germany doesn't "owe" anything to the US, especially not for the troops inside our country. We don't need this spearhead of greedy capitalism here. The US troops in Europe cause more problems than they're solving and they are dislocated to Poland not because of lesser cost but as a threat to the Russians .... this, dear "Eric Saxon" is the real reason. But how should you know just being fed the usual crap by your press, in unison reporting what the average American should know about world politics - not what is actually happening around the world.

And just to let you know: Germans actually get six weeks of paid vacation. You're too brainwashed to realize that "no vacation" will eventually result in "breakdown" or "indifference towards the job" - and you don't see that you have internalized the capitalist parole whereby a 'good' worker is one who spends 50-60 hours/week. Working his butt off for little money and the profit of his boss .... poor soul, you have so much to learn ...!

... Link

Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Another one bites the dust ....

US-policing at it's best ..!

Source /Credits:

" .. Within minutes, the black 15-year-old passenger had been killed — shot in the head by an officer through the front passenger window and pronounced dead at the hospital shortly afterward .. "

The procedure will be as usual:
A long battle in court - and as a result no one will be held accountable.

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