Guess where this happens ...!
" .. 11 Years Old, a Mom, and Pushed to Marry Her Rapist .. "
23:59h [1140]
Must be an underdeveloped, poor and Third-World-Country. Nope. It's happening in the "Land of the Free", the United States of America .... and it's happening right now, like it did the past one hundred-or-so years before. Would you imagine that in this country - which is eager to spread its "values" (sometimes forcibly) all over the world - 25 out of their 50 States have no limit on how old a girl MUST be to get married? What a coincidence: This happens mostly in the States that are the ones where fundamentalist, "devout christians" dwell. Hallelujah! [source / read more: forced child marriage ] ... Link |
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