Friday, November 9, 2012

[begin quote]
Requiem for America


Last night’s election was most disturbing and disheartening to me. It
certainly was not a landslide victory for Romney as I had predicted. I
now realize that I was thinking with my heart and not my head. I did
not want to believe that our country had changed so much, and that a
failure like Obama could actually get re-elected and be given an
opportunity to “Finish the job”. “Finish the Job” are his words from
his acceptance speech, last night. Therein lies the problem. To the
uneducated and ill-informed Obama Zombies, “Finish the Job” means that
he will continue to work to improve the economy, create jobs, etc. To
Obama, and those of us who possess critical thinking skills and have
ears and actually listen, “Finish the Job” means to “Fundamentally
Transform America”! Obama’s plan has been and will continue to be to
diminish America and his pledge to “Finish the job” is a threat that
is actually applauded by the numbskulls that voted for him, support
him and cheer for him.

This morning, all the pundits are offering their worthless opinions
about how Obama won and how the Republicans lost and what needs to be
done. These self-avowed intellects are blaming Romney’s strategy,
Romney’s timidity, the Republican Party establishment, the media, and
on and on. Many believe that a more Conservative candidate is the
solution. Others believe that the Tea Party posture is too extreme and
it frightens the electorate. Still others believe the Republicans need
to find a way to attract single women, Blacks, Latinos, and Gays. In
other words, the Republicans need to become “Democrat Light” if they
want to win.

Folks, the problem is not the candidate, nor the Republican Party.
Romney was a great choice and he would have been a great president.
The problem is not the Republican platform or the Tea Party tugs to
the right. The problem is that the Republicans are selling products,
values, beliefs, that too many of the present day electorate ain’t
buying. The Republicans/Conservatives are selling what the people
don’t want…..accountability, self-sufficiency, competition, success,
hard work, honesty, respect, family values, God, Pro-Life, American
Exceptionalism, traditional marriage, border control and legal
immigration, sanctity of life, Constitutional Rights and freedoms,
smaller government, less dependence on government, less taxes, fiscal
responsibility, freedom to get rich, freedom to own firearms, freedom
of religion, free speech, etc.

America has changed!

It’s not the candidate and it’s not the platform. It’s the changed
electorate. This is no longer Post WW II America. That generation is
gone and those values are gone. The last generation with solid
American values is mine and we are dying off daily. We are the sons
and daughters of the Greatest Generation. All the following
generations (my children and their children) are kids from the 60’s
and 70’s with different values towards America, fiscal responsibility,
world politics, drugs, music, entertainment, fashion, language,
education, work ethic, etc. Not all of these generations, but too

Today’s Americans see things in a different way. They see:
Abortion….not murder
Free contraceptives……not Freedom of Religion
Gun control…….not 2nd Amendment rights
Fairness….not competition
Government assistance……not independence
Gay marriage and tolerance…….not values and beliefs
Illegal immigration and a “live and let live”
attitude/lawlessness……..not border control
A One World mentality……..not American Exceptionalism
Spend more than we earn…….not fiscal responsibility
Cut defense spending and spend more on social justice…..not peace
through strength
Tax the rich/successful more……..not encourage success and entrepreneurialism
Divisive class warfare…….not “E Pluribus Unum”

Folks, I fear that today’s electorate is the proverbial dog that
caught the truck. They are not going to understand the consequences of
their actions until it’s too late and the worst part of it is, there
is nothing we can do to prevent this! We can preach until the cows
come home. We are fighting against the times, the education system,
the media, the New World Order.
All we can do is look at our America as the Shining City on the hill
that once existed. America will become the legend, like Camelot. Tales
will be written about America and movies will be made. Songs will be
sung and future generations will wistfully gaze up to the heavens as
they privately (and perhaps secretly) muse about how wonderful such a
place as America must have been. It’s a Camelot story and at the same
time a Planet of the Apes tale. My grand-children will read that
…………”….for one brief shining moment there was a place called

Farewell, America.
God bless the land that I loved!


[end quote]

In the bove mentioned blog the comments were closed (?) - not accessible. Therefore I was not able to comment there. Please find below my answer to Carlo's article. Excuse my English, I'm not a native speaker.

First I need to explain that I'm just picking out a few statements which I'm going to answer to. Carlo's essay contains a lot of commonly issued & frequently repeated items used to describe in what sad state the American society is at this time & age. No use to answer to most of the issues mentioned. Old wine in new kegs.

But then there are a few things that need attention and here they are:

Yes, the electorate has changed. It changed because there are a few key issues that do not stand up to the test of a modern & open society. These are:

1) Abortion….not murder
Abortion could be prevented if the influence of blinded religious maniacs on the U.S. society had been stopped a long time ago - in a country where violence, murder and rape can be shown on TV whereas a bare nipple is a tragedy something is going terribly wrong.

2) Free contraceptives……not Freedom of Religion
This is not a contradiction in itself. But as the author uses it this way it's quite telling: One has nothing to do with the other - unless you are a fundamentalist who thinks the best way to prevent pregnancy is to abstain. The error perpetuates itself and leads to unwanted pregnancy as teenagers will try out their sexuality without contraceptive measures. The result is either 1) or a high rate of teenage pregnancies as seen in the U.S.A. today.

"Freedom of Religion" does not give any kind of religion the right to interfere in individuals lives that do not belong to this religion, neither does it give them the right to forcibly deny findings of science because they are in contradiction to their own belief.

3) A One World mentality……..not American Exceptionalism
There is not and never was such a thing as "American Exceptionalism" - when I was teaching "International Management" at New York State University, Bighamton, I always told the students: America is a great country, but it is only one of a handful in the world who are alike, not as big, but equally productive and some even more inventive.

The so-called "American Exceptionalism" stems from integrating great minds from around the world by naturalization and then selling their life's work as being "genuine American".
[Think of rocket science, atom splitting, computing etc.]

The American educational system does not educate to make kids bright, allow them to ask questions and academically flourish - instead it keeps them 'children' and grateful to their parents until they are 21, in general it just educates them to be "good Americans", good at sports and obedient beings with no will of their own - and the desperately needed 'brains' are then bought around the world from countries where bright young people don't have a chance and would swallow every toad to get a job that pays for their needs.

"American Exceptionalism" is the source of evil that generates the "Ugly Americans" - spreading out into the world thinking they were the only ones owning the truth on everything of relevance.

4) Spend more than we earn…….not fiscal responsibility
By letting the "free markets" act as the players want the system of spending more than one earns was put into place - credit cards are a true American invention and it lead to 2/3 of the U.S. population being in debt.
Again: no fiscal responsibility is not the opposite of spending more than you earn, it's the result of a tax sytem that does not take an equal share from all the citizens, thus decreasing the incoming moneys. The high income earners have a plethora of tax evasion possibilities the average citizen does not have.

One of the biggest bloodlettings to the budget is spending on a military and secret agencies interfering with the governments of countries all around the world to make way for the big American corporations to do - in their interest - undisturbed business, thus as a side effect destroying nature not only at home but likewise abroad .... which leads us to 5) ....

5) Cut defense spending and spend more on social justice…..not peace through strength
If America didn't try to convince peoples around the world by military and secretive force - the biggest chunk of the U.S. federal budget - to adpot "the American way of life" or at least "American Marketing" to increase the prosperity of American corporations there would be enough money available to spend on social justice within the country's borders.

One last thought:
Violence never leads to peace, it generates hatred and thought of revenge - so it is contraproductive to try to change other peoples minds by applying military force.

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